I was 8 years old when I realized my family and I were
different than what was then considered an ideal American. The year was 2001,
and the world had suddenly changed. For the first time, I realized the color of
my skin was different than my peers. I realized my Indian heritage made me
different than my WASP counterparts in my small New Jersey town. Back in 2001,
different was not considered good. If you were different, then you had to work
extra hard to find a sense of belonging – and for an 8 year old that was
important. I spent the next decade growing up in Lawrenceville, NJ trying to
forge an identity for myself that was built on false pretenses of wanting to
belong. My family had started to immigrate to the USA since the early 60s, and
my parents joined the others in the 80s. Although by 2001 my family had
established a well settled life in the land of dreams, our neighbors did not
look at us as their own. For me, in 2001, my family had already established
their status as Americans. I knew I was Indian because of my family, but I
identified as an American. I pledged my allegiance every day to the flag of the
United States of America, yet I still was told I am not American enough. I knew
in my heart and soul that I was just as American as the white people who lived
in my town, despite all the ridicule and side remarks of my nationality. At 8
years old, that is all I knew. However, at every milestone of my life, I had to
prove it. Existing as a “different American” rejected an identity that was my
birthright. In school, they taught us that America was a melting pot - a
country where it did not matter what religion, ethnicity, color, or sexuality you
associated with because ALL MEN ARE CREATED
EQUAL. Growing up, I realized the reality of that was far from the truth.
Being an Indian Hindu girl in New Jersey post 9/11 had its
own set of challenges, but having to prove my worth as an American – that took
gold in that race. Whether it was running for student class president or just
trying to make friends with the kids in my swimming classes, I felt different
and that was only because those in my community viewed me as different. In
theory, we are told to celebrate diversity, but, in our daily lives, how much
of that celebrated diversity do we enjoy? Practically none. 7 years later I
realized why that was the case. Diversity was not celebrated because the
individuals we elected to lead us were not diverse. It was 2008 and the first
African American man was elected to lead our country. President Barack Obama
accomplished what may have seemed like the impossible, but he did so
nevertheless. His victory, although a monumental moment in American history,
also opened the eyes of many millennials to the systemic racism running deep in
our country. President Obama – a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard
Law School, a successful Illinois state Senator, an energetic US Senator, and
the first Black Man to be President of the United States. A man with such
tremendous accomplishments was still criticized at every move during his
presidency. From accusations
of not even being born in the country to being degraded by the worst of racial
slurs, the critique President Obama faced was undoubtedly racist in nature.
There is no doubt in my mind that if his skin was white, he could get a lot
more done without the constant backlash and resistance. His presidency was to
herald in racial reform and justice, but the constant resistance of his
political colleagues hindered that change. Decades after the Civil Rights
Movement, Americans were finally becoming more “woke” and outspoken about the
systemic racism existing in America. President Obama’s constituents relied on
him heavily to be a champion for change. Although hope existed for the racial
divide to be bridged within our country in his two terms, the reality of
America’s deeply rooted inequal racial values overrode that hope. He may not
have done everything necessary to solve the issues of race, but he surely
reignited the conversation and the movement amongst the American people. His
presidency also emphasized one important fact: diversity in race is strongly
needed in politics and government. The hope and courage President Obama gave our
country to speak about what matters allowed for voices to finally be heard –
voices that were muffled before, and that is what his legacy consists of.
While President Obama’s presidency made me aware about race
relations in the country, it was Senator Hilary Clinton’s campaign as the
Democratic nominee for President of the United States in the election of 2016
that, in the words of Billy Joel, started the fire within me to advocate for
change. Although the policies of Senator Clinton were not something I full-heartedly
agreed with, I valued her drive, her success, and perseverance in this brutal
man eats man world of politics. Extremely successful in her own regard, the
former First Lady ran an honest campaign. Yet, like it came to racism in
President Obama’s term, sexism and misogyny was blatantly consuming the
election in 2016. Many political pundits and leaders during her campaign
implied she could not be a good fit for President because she was a woman. She
was subjected to a sexist rhetoric throughout the election season. Her looks
and demeanor were highly scrutinized, whereas her competition did not
receive similar commentary. It made me question why our country still looks at
females in such a degrading light. The answer was quite simple – our country
runs on the views of misogynistic white men. According to a US
News report highlighting the Reflective Democracy Campaign, “Despite white
men comprising only 31 percent of the population, 97 percent of all Republican
elected officials are white and 76 percent are male. Of all Democratic elected
officials, 79 percent are white and 65 percent are male, according to the
study.” The United States of America is considered to be one
of the most progressive countries in the world. However, the only
population type to enjoy these luxuries in freedom are white men. It is
innately unfair that the rights of women and the control they have over their
lives is highly dictated by the white men who sit in Capitol Hill.
As a 27 years old engineer now, I have learned to realize
one unfortunate truth – the worth of an individual in this country is largely
dependent on the basis of sex and race. The past four years under the Trump
administration have confirmed this notion. President Trump’s whole brand is
built on a foundation of hate. He’s consciously been racist at many junctures
in his life. One notable incident during his presidency has been when he demeaned
a Black distinguished CNN political analyst and White House Correspondent,
April Ryan, during a news conference by calling her a “loser” and “nasty”.
Let’s not also forget how the beginning of his campaign and presidency rested
on a wall being built on the Mexican – American border. His statements on that
matter included Mexican immigrants being “rapists”
who are “bringing crime” and “bringing drugs” to the US. He has outwardly
shown support to many white
supremist groups. President Trump’s administration has broken the homes of
many American families and ruined the future of many immigrant children by detaining
them in inhumane and cruel conditions. Trump at many instances, along with his
staff, has referred to the coronavirus as the “Chinese
virus”. Trump has also expressed hatred towards the Islamic community,
which was seen when he proposed a travel ban
on those coming from several Islamic countries to the USA. He pushed the rumors
of President
Obama not being American. He has also made several derogatory comments
towards women, such as “grab
‘em by the p****”. It does not stop there. His presidency has seen a severe
increase in the violence against the Black community. Civil
unrest has grown tremendously during his leadership; yet he has not spoken
once about how he supports the victimized community. Instead, he has supported
the oppressors and aggravators. Trump’s personification and implementation of
hate in the United States of America has damaged our country in a debilitating
way, wiping away the improvements and progress his predecessors made.
In 20 days, the next President of the United States of
America will be elected. This election will single-handedly be the most
important election of our generation thus far. There is so much at stake with
this election, such as the rights of women, the rights of the LGBTQ+ community,
the rights of Black people in America, the rights of Muslims, and many more.
The rhetoric of our incumbent is that of hate, and there is no denying that.
The very nature of our democracy has been corrupted severely the last four
years. We may sit back and think that we don’t matter, but we do. Our voices
matter. Our thoughts matter. OUR VOTES MATTER. If everyone voted, change would
be inevitable. It’s 2020, unlike what Capitol Hill portrays, the United States
of America is no longer a WASP majority population. Our incumbent may still
execute his power as if it is still 1776, but his type of actions and ideals no
longer match those of the greater American population. It is time we elected
leaders who reflect the differences in the American people and celebrate that
diversity proudly. At 27 years old, I look back to 8 year old me. I want to
ensure the future of our country does not ever make another 8 year old question
her identity and worth. I want to elect leaders who will listen and who will
stand by me regardless of the color of my skin or my sex. If by simply voting I
can ensure that the future for children in this country will be better than
mine, then there is no reason to not vote. So, please vote. JUST DO IT. (and do
it early)
As we lead into Election Day, I want to start a 20 day
campaign to highlight the issues that matter to me and why I am voting this
Day 1: Women’s Rights
As I stated before, President Trump has ushered in a
presidency that has not been supportive of the rights of women. Although we have
crossed a century since the Women’s Suffrage Movement, women still do not have
complete control of our own lives. In this day and age, women are just as, or
sometimes even more, qualified than our male counterparts. However with the ideals
and policies of President Trump, the quality of life and the rights of women
are digressing from progress. During his presidency, President Trump has
appointed two Supreme Court Justices, with a potential third appointment.
Because of these appointments, the Supreme Court will hold a conservative majority
and issues such as Roe v. Wade will most likely be affected. His appointment of
Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh introduced, again, white men to the bench who
are pro-life and against institutions such as Planned Parenthood. In fact, Brett
Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault, and despite that he was nominated.
As a result of the allegations, President Trump ridiculed and rejected the #MeToo
movement and called it damaging. As a young woman, I find that appalling. I
refuse to let men who do not acknowledge the plight of women or men who do not
respect women create rules for me to live by. It’s my body. It’s my choice.
It’s as simple as that. In the last four years, policies attempting to completely
defund Planned Parenthood have been introduced. Although he’s been unsuccessful
in defunding it completely, he has still taken away some of the protections Planned
Parenthood holds and has redirected its funds to anti – abortion clinics. Women’s
access and coverage under their insurance for birth control has also been
affected. Under the Affordable Care Act, insurances were required to include
access to birth control, but Trump is supporting
corporations that do not want to include that in their insurance policies.
The most concerning issue with his presidency and a
continued term will be his appointment of Judge Amy Coney Barrett. In an
unconstitutional maneuver, Senate
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is determined to push for her appointment. Judge
Barrett will replace the renowned Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. In
her tenure, Justice Ginsburg has been a champion for the rights of women. Up
until her last days, she worked tirelessly to ensure that the basis of sex
would not determine the lives of fellow Americans. By appointing Judge Barrett,
the movement “Notorious RBG” propelled forward will be taken back several
decades. Her appointment to the Court
will create a rightward shift in its decisions, which will be of concern when
it comes to cases regarding the Affordable Care Act or Roe v. Wade. According
to a study by FISCHMAN
& COPE, Judge Barrett holds extremely conservative views when it comes
to civil rights, gun rights, and rights of women. When it comes to abortion,
her views can be detrimental to many women. She has tried to implement a state
law that will ban
abortion for women who even need it for life-threatening reasons. Her
judicial approach is a strict interpretation
of the Constitution, with no room for personal interpretation, which in
this day and age is an archaic approach to the Judiciary. Times have changed
drastically since the Constitution was first written. In one of the biggest
landmark decisions in terms of constitutional law, Chief Justice Marshall
famously penned in his McCulloch v.
Maryland case of 1819, “we must never forget that it is a constitution we
are expounding.” In 1819, a Supreme Court Justice recognized the importance of
expounding the Constitution. In 2020, another Justice wants to come in and stop
So why am I voting this year? I am voting to ensure a strong future for all women in this country. I am voting to ensure that I and my future daughters/grand-daughters can live a life of equality. I am voting so that the basis of sex is not a determining factor in my worth as a human. I am voting because I am a woman and I want to be in charge of how I live. I am voting because I want my body and my reproductive rights to be protected and controlled by me. I am voting for me and I am voting for all the American women out there. I am voting so that America can move forward as opposed to turning a time table and digressing.
Why are you voting?
Proceeds from the views and engagement I receive for this article will be directed to Planned Parenthood.
WOW. Thank you for the rawness of this post. It is so important to protect the American dream and vote for a better future for all.
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing post